#AskAchieve 22: All About Fat Loss!

Episode 22 February 19, 2018 00:32:51
#AskAchieve 22: All About Fat Loss!
Sweat Out; Happiness In!
#AskAchieve 22: All About Fat Loss!

Feb 19 2018 | 00:32:51


Show Notes

What's up Achievers?! In this episode we cover ALL things fat loss! We broke it up into a few different sections: 1) What foods you should be looking to consume and why you shouldn't eliminate certain foods entirely even if theyre "bad" for you. 2) Anxiety around food, portion control, and strategies to understand and manage hunger cues. 3) Energy balance, and the concept of "Calories In; Calories Out" Let us know if you have any questions! Also, here is the link to our nutrition e-book. https://www.achievefitnessboston.com/collections/achieve-collection/products/achieve-fitness-nutrition-guide You can use the code "askachieve" to access it for free. The code will be valid until a week from now (February 26th). Also, we do offer distance online nutrition coaching session via skype/facetime. Everyone has difference circumstances, and sometimes a general podcast/e-book doesn't necessarily cover the context of each person's unique situation. If that is your case, check out https://www.achievefitnessboston.com/products/nutrition-consultation We hope this episode helped you out! If it did, we'd seriously appreciate a review on iTunes - we'd really appreciate it! Until next time, Peace, Love, and Muscles!

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