#AskAchieve 23: Barefoot Training, Improving Ankle Mobility, How to Gain Mass/Lean Muscle, and What We're Learning!

Episode 23 February 21, 2018 00:27:48
#AskAchieve 23: Barefoot Training, Improving Ankle Mobility, How to Gain Mass/Lean Muscle, and What We're Learning!
Sweat Out; Happiness In!
#AskAchieve 23: Barefoot Training, Improving Ankle Mobility, How to Gain Mass/Lean Muscle, and What We're Learning!

Feb 21 2018 | 00:27:48


Show Notes

What's up, Achievers?! This episde is jam packed with answers! We address why suddenly everyone seems to be barefoot training and what the benefits to minimal footwear are while lifting. We also cover whether or not you can lift the same muscle group multiple days in a row. We also discuss how to GAIN weight and lean muscle mass.Lastly, we address a question that asks what we're learning on a daily basis! Thank you so much for all of your questions! Please DM us more @achievefitnessboston on Instagram! Also, we'd really appreciate a review on itunes if you ever get the chance! Until next time, Peace, Love, Muscles! Love, Lauren and Jason

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