#AskAchieve 107: Does the RDL Work the Glutes, Healthy Habits While Traveling, and "Safe" Ab Exercises During Pregnancy!

Episode 111 February 07, 2019 00:27:01
#AskAchieve 107: Does the RDL Work the Glutes, Healthy Habits While Traveling, and "Safe" Ab Exercises During Pregnancy!
Sweat Out; Happiness In!
#AskAchieve 107: Does the RDL Work the Glutes, Healthy Habits While Traveling, and "Safe" Ab Exercises During Pregnancy!

Feb 07 2019 | 00:27:01


Show Notes

What's up, Achievers?! We missed Monday's episode due to being in sunny Florida, but we're back! In the first question, we talk about what muscle groups are being worked during a Romanian Deadlift and whether or not the glutes should be playing a significant role or not (2:08). Next, we talked about how to maintain healthy habits while traveling (5:44). Finally, we discussed safe ab and core exercises during pregnancy (18:00). [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EG7bvlvCPw&t=0s) is a video on core training that shows you how to execute marching exercises. Also, [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJ4LyGDwagQ&t=0s) is another video we put together on how to approach exercise trimester by trimester! We hope you enjoyed this episode! If you did, we’d love you forever if you left a rating and review on iTunes - it seriously helps us out a lot! Please DM us @achievefitnessboston on Instagram if you have any questions you’d like us to answer. Until next time, Peace, Love, and Muscles! Jason and Lauren

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