#AskAchieve 40: Working Out on an Empty Stomach, Knees Going Over Toes During a Squat, How Long a Personal Trainer Should Expect a Client to Work with Them, and a Special Workshop Announcement!

Episode 40 April 23, 2018 00:19:32
#AskAchieve 40: Working Out on an Empty Stomach, Knees Going Over Toes During a Squat, How Long a Personal Trainer Should Expect a Client to Work with Them, and a Special Workshop Announcement!
Sweat Out; Happiness In!
#AskAchieve 40: Working Out on an Empty Stomach, Knees Going Over Toes During a Squat, How Long a Personal Trainer Should Expect a Client to Work with Them, and a Special Workshop Announcement!

Apr 23 2018 | 00:19:32


Show Notes

What's up, Achievers?! Great episode for you all today and stay tuned at the end to hear about a special workshop announcement! In this episode, we cover whether or not working out on an empty stomach is a good idea (1:33). We also go over whether or not your knees can go over your toes during a squat, or if that would be potentially harmful on the knees (6:48). We also discuss how long a personal trainer should expect to have a client stay with them, and we also go over some strategies to maximize that time as well as the value you're bringing to each session (11:08). Finally, we go over an in-house workshop that we will be putting on called Fit101. It's technically after the episode ends (17:42) and it is a workshop we're putting on because so many of you have reached out asking to open up an Achieve in your location. Obviously, we can't do that, but this is the next best thing! You'll learn all the tools you need to figure out how to design your own program, perform all of the major compound and accessory movements (squats, deadlifts, pushing, pulling, core work,etc.) based on the way YOU move, as well as the way to approach your mindset with training and figuring out the best nutritional approach for you. This workshop is geared towards the general public, or for personal trainers who want to gain an understanding on how we coach and interact with our members. You won't want to miss it! Here's the link for more info - early bird ends tomorrow! https://www.achievefitnessboston.com/pages/fit-101-workshop Until next time, Peace, Love, and Muscles!

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