#AskAchieve 39: When to Incorporate Core Training into Your Workouts, How to Deal with Negative Self-Talk, and Our Top Three Pieces of Business Advice!

Episode 39 April 18, 2018 00:27:16
#AskAchieve 39: When to Incorporate Core Training into Your Workouts, How to Deal with Negative Self-Talk,  and Our Top Three Pieces of Business Advice!
Sweat Out; Happiness In!
#AskAchieve 39: When to Incorporate Core Training into Your Workouts, How to Deal with Negative Self-Talk, and Our Top Three Pieces of Business Advice!

Apr 18 2018 | 00:27:16


Show Notes

What's up, Achievers?! Super fun episode for you all today with a bunch of different topics. The first question was about when and where we incorporate our core training with our members? As a part of the warm up? At the end? Part of the cool down? (3:23). Next, we delved into how a personal trainer for fitness coach can help their client manage negative self-talk (9:00). Lauren also goes into some of her own history with body image issues and what helped her out. Finally, we give our top three peices of advice for someone who is looking to open up a gym, but is anxious about the process (17:11). We hope you enjoyed this episode! Please subscribe if you haven't already, and if you could leave us a review we'd be super grateful! Until next time, Peace, Love, and Muscles!

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