#AskAchieve 76: Workout Modifications to Break Past a Plateau, What We Think About Fasted Workouts, and Our Top Community Builders for Achieve Fitness!

Episode 76 September 05, 2018 00:23:42
#AskAchieve 76: Workout Modifications to Break Past a Plateau, What We Think About Fasted Workouts,  and Our Top Community Builders for Achieve Fitness!
Sweat Out; Happiness In!
#AskAchieve 76: Workout Modifications to Break Past a Plateau, What We Think About Fasted Workouts, and Our Top Community Builders for Achieve Fitness!

Sep 05 2018 | 00:23:42


Show Notes

What's up, Achievers?! We missed you all! It's been a whole week since we've last connected! :( Lot of fun questions in this one! We first started with how to modify someone's workouts program in order to break past a plateau. A couple episodes ago, we discussed things from a more general and nutrition standpoint and this time we dug a little bit deeper into the exercise side of things (2:27). The, we talked about what we thought about fasted workouts, and how science is important, but your personal preference should be prioritized! (9:16). Lastly, we discuss some of the strategies and mindset we use in order to cultivate the community and culture that we have at Achieve (13:41). This one was a really fun one to talk about and answer as our enthuasiasm may suggest! We hope you enjoyed this episode! If you did, we'd love you forever if you left a rating and review on iTunes - it seriously helps us out a lot! Please DM us @achievefitnessboston on Instagram if you have any questions you'd like us to answer. Until next time, Peace, Love, and Muscles!

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