#AskAchieve 30: Home Workouts, Box Squats, Keep it Professional with Your Clients, and Jason's Camera Gear!

Episode 30 March 19, 2018 00:32:07
#AskAchieve 30: Home Workouts, Box Squats, Keep it Professional with Your Clients, and Jason's Camera Gear!
Sweat Out; Happiness In!
#AskAchieve 30: Home Workouts, Box Squats, Keep it Professional with Your Clients, and Jason's Camera Gear!

Mar 19 2018 | 00:32:07


Show Notes

What's up, Achievers?! Episode 30! We've got some tips for you today to cover what equipment you would need for a home gym as well as how to put together a home workout program (4:12). We also go over the pros and cons of Box Squatting - what the exercise is, who it's for, and if we recommend them to the general population (13:50). The next two questions are primarily personal trainer/fitness coach focused: We talk about how to develop a close relationship with your personal training clients and gym members without crossing that professional line (16:30). Lastly, we discuss our thoughts on camera gear and what should be prioritized in social media (21:06). My camera currently is a Canon 80D, Sigma 18-35mm F1.8 Lens, and a Rode VideoMic Pro. In the past, I have recommended a Canon Rebel T7i, Tokina 11-16mm lens, and a Rode VideoMic Go for newer users. For brand new people who just want a point and shoot the Canon G7x or the Sony RX100 Mark IV are incredible cameras in a compact setting. We hope this video helped you out! Please send in any questions via DM to @achievefitnessboston on Instagram and please, please, please leave us a review on iTunes - we'd really appreciate it :) Until next time, Peace, Love, and Muscles!

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