#AskAchieve 80: The Coaches' Episode and a Special Announcement for Coaches!

Episode 80 September 19, 2018 00:34:15
#AskAchieve 80: The Coaches' Episode and a Special Announcement for Coaches!
Sweat Out; Happiness In!
#AskAchieve 80: The Coaches' Episode and a Special Announcement for Coaches!

Sep 19 2018 | 00:34:15


Show Notes

What's up, Achievers?! This episode is specifically for all you coaches, personal trainers, and fitness professionals out there! We cover topics like when we talk about mindset and nutrition habits during our training sessions, what we do if we think our workouts progress clients too slowly, and if we make any modifications during our assessment process if we're working with someone who is elderly. At the end of the episode, we discuss a project we've been working on for quite some time now. It's an educational platform that covers everything that Lauren and I wished we had known when we first started out as personal trainers - it ranges from nitty gritty stuff like what CPT you should pursue, to where you should look for your first job all the way down to how to sell yourself at your gym, how to program for your clients, how to provide nutritional advice, how to teach the fundamental movement patterns (squatting, hinging, pushing, pulling, lunging, etc.) and coach them based upon the invidividual in front of you rather than forcing them into "textbook" form, and how to approach personal branding. Future modules are going to cover the ins and outs of kettlebell training, powerlifting, olympic lifting as well as presentations on very specific topics brought up by the group. The most important aspect of the platform will be the community. Personal training is a pretty lonely field, and not many people/friends/family will understand the true "grind" and nature of our work. Having a community of like-minded professionals to learn from, collaborate with, bounce ideas off of, and sometiems comiserate with is going to be invaluable. This won't be just a one-off product that we launch and forget about - this is going to be a full fledged company where Lauren and I will spend the vast majority of our time. We're going to have our coaches at Achieve also involved down the line and make this a massive platform, because we want the reach of our community to be limitless, and because we see the potential of having thousands of coaches spreading positivity and inclusivity to their clients. It helps to spread our mission much further than we could ever do by ourselves and for that we're extremely excited! You can be the first in line for more information at www.achievementors.com.Go check it out!

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