#AskAchieve 97: How to Strengthen Your Rhomboids, At-Home Workouts for the Holidays, Ankle Pain During Squats, and Our Advice for Dating a Bodybuilder!

Episode 97 December 10, 2018 00:19:41
#AskAchieve 97: How to Strengthen Your Rhomboids, At-Home Workouts for the Holidays, Ankle Pain During Squats, and Our Advice for Dating a Bodybuilder!
Sweat Out; Happiness In!
#AskAchieve 97: How to Strengthen Your Rhomboids, At-Home Workouts for the Holidays, Ankle Pain During Squats, and Our Advice for Dating a Bodybuilder!

Dec 10 2018 | 00:19:41


Show Notes

What's up, Achievers! Sorry in advance for this episode as there were A LOT of Kendrick interruptions in the first 10 minutes or so! It's a good one though and we managed to get through four questions! For question one, we covered how to strengthen your rhomboids (0:57). Then, we discussed some quick workout strategies when you're home for the holidays (4:10). Next, we delved into what to do if you're experiencing ankle pain while squatting (7:55). Finally, we gave some dating advice! Haha! I think we gave some solid advice here, but take it with a grain of salt (12:34). We hope you enjoyed this episode! If you did, we'd love you forever if you left a rating and review on iTunes - it seriously helps us out a lot! Please DM us @achievefitnessboston on Instagram if you have any questions you'd like us to answer. Until next time, Peace, Love, and Muscles! Jason and Lauren

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