#AskAchieve32: Creatine for Women, IT Band Pain, and Fitness Information Overload for Coaches!

Episode 32 March 26, 2018 00:21:40
#AskAchieve32: Creatine for Women, IT Band Pain, and Fitness Information Overload for Coaches!
Sweat Out; Happiness In!
#AskAchieve32: Creatine for Women, IT Band Pain, and Fitness Information Overload for Coaches!

Mar 26 2018 | 00:21:40


Show Notes

What's up, Achievers?! Another fun episode for you today! In this one we go over whether or not we recommend creatine for women looking to gain lean muscle mass (2:31). We also talk about our thoughts on the IT Band and if it's even possible to stretch it, and how we'd recommend training if you have IT Band pain as a runner - or a lifter for that matter (5:11)! We also cover fitness information overload as a personal trainer/fitness coach, and where to begin sorting through all of the information available (10:42). Lastly, we answer two rapid-fire questions (17:11) on how to set up the Leg Press machine optimally as well as how to address wrist pain during lat pulldowns. The wrist stretch video we talk about is here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Grl61Eym9go&t=2s](http://) Also, final shoutout about our April Kickstart challenge! Registration ends this Wednesday - for more information check out this link: [https://www.achievefitnessboston.com/collections/achieve-collection/products/spring-kick-start-challenge](http://) We hope this episode helped you out! Until next time, Peace, Love, and Muscles! Lauren and Jason

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