#AskAchieve 137: Sets and Reps for Fat Loss, The Best Uses for Isolation Machines, and Our Recommendations for How to Incorporate Isolation Exercises!

Episode 144 November 22, 2019 00:24:46
#AskAchieve 137: Sets and Reps for Fat Loss, The Best Uses for Isolation Machines, and Our Recommendations for How to Incorporate Isolation Exercises!
Sweat Out; Happiness In!
#AskAchieve 137: Sets and Reps for Fat Loss, The Best Uses for Isolation Machines, and Our Recommendations for How to Incorporate Isolation Exercises!

Nov 22 2019 | 00:24:46


Show Notes

What's up, Achievers?! Hope you all are having a wonderful day! In our first question, we discuss what the "best" rep range for fat loss is (3:41). Then, we covered the best uses for isolation machines besides hypertrophy (16:43). Finally, we discussed the percentage of isolation vs compound movements we use when working with either a fat loss or hypertrophy goal oriented client. Our Stories that Will Make Your Heart Sing segment begins on (22:18) and the website we reference is https://www.uspsoperationsanta.com/letters. We hope you enjoyed this episode! If you did, we’d love you forever if you left a rating and review on iTunes - it seriously helps us out a lot! Please DM us @achievefitnessboston on Instagram if you have any questions you’d like us to answer. High fives and positive vibes! Jason and Lauren

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