#AskAchieve 29: All About Running a Fitness Business!

Episode 29 March 14, 2018 00:35:43
#AskAchieve 29: All About Running a Fitness Business!
Sweat Out; Happiness In!
#AskAchieve 29: All About Running a Fitness Business!

Mar 14 2018 | 00:35:43


Show Notes

What's up, Achievers?! A mega episode for you today for all you fitness coaches, gym owners, and clinic owners out there! We get a TON of business questions and requests for consultations out there so we decided to give you a full episode on all things fitness business! Lauren and I cover our top 3 marketing strategies as well as our thoughts on how to best spread your message and brand on social media! Having said that, we also talked at length about how "lead-gen" and "marketing" and "social media" are all super "sexy" topics to talk about and focus on; however, these are all moot points if your client or member experience is not up to snuff. Four books we referenced to help out with this are: Raving Fans, The Starbucks Experience, The Nordstrom Way, and Delivering Happiness. Finally, while this is a great starting point, we couldn't possibly cover everything we wanted to in detail. If you're looking for more contextual or individualized advice, please DM us on Instagram @achievefitnessboston for more information on our business consults or you can check this link: https://www.achievefitnessboston.com/collections/achieve-collection/products/60-minute-phone-consultation We hope you enjoyed this episode! Until next time, Peace, Love, and Muscles! Lauren and Jason

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