#AskAchieve 34: Training Through Pregnancy, Bulgarian Split Squats, Muscles Knots/Adhesions, and a Special Announcement!

Episode 34 April 02, 2018 00:25:23
#AskAchieve 34: Training Through Pregnancy, Bulgarian Split Squats, Muscles Knots/Adhesions, and a Special Announcement!
Sweat Out; Happiness In!
#AskAchieve 34: Training Through Pregnancy, Bulgarian Split Squats, Muscles Knots/Adhesions, and a Special Announcement!

Apr 02 2018 | 00:25:23


Show Notes

What's up, Achievers?! Soooooo, Lauren is 13.5 weeks pregnant! We're super excited to finally share the news with you all - 3+ months is a loooong way to go without telling anyone some of the biggest news of your life! Anyways, we announced the news on social media today and of course one of the first questions we received was about how to train through pregnancy (2:36)! We actually had an episode previously (episode 3!) that really delved into the specifics and you can find that here: [https://achievingfitness.podiant.co/e/359a28c4cc9e1c/](http://) However, we touched a little bit more on the mental side of things and think both episodes should give you a pretty good idea of what to expect when training through a pregnancy! We also talked about Bulgarian or Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats and what to do if you're cramping in your back leg (11:52). We also cover what muscle knots/adhesions are, where they come from, and how to get rid of them (14:19). Finally, we recommend our favorite fitness and business books (20:17)! We hope this episode provided you with some good information! If it did, we'd love for you to leave an iTunes review - we read everyone and really appreciate it! Until next time, Peace, Love, and Muscles! Jason and Lauren

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