Latest Episodes

#AskAchieve 88: Hip Rotation During Squats, Knee Pain During Squats, and How to Switch Up Your Strength Programming!
What's up, Achievers?! This episode is all about squats and strength programs! In the first question we address a question from a listener who...

#AskAchieve 87: Muscle Tightness, Working Through Mobility Restrictions, StrongLifts 5x5, and How We Encourage Consistency With Our Members!
What's up, Achievers?! It finally happened! Kendrick Austin Pak was born at a whopping 9lbs 3oz at 8:54am on 10/17/18 and 21 inches long!...

#AskAchieve 86: How Much Protein You Should Get In A Day, Choosing Between Total Body vs. Upper/Lower Splits, and How to Transition from Isolation Based Training to Powerlifting!
What's up, Achievers?! Nope, still no baby, which means more podcasts! haha In the first question, we talk about how much protein you should...

#AskAchieve 85: How to Address Your Posture, Pilates and "Imprinting" Your Lower Back, and Guidance with Strength Programming!
What's up, Achievers?! No exciting news to report - still no baby! In our first question, we talk about how to address your posture...

#AskAchieve 84: The Lower Body Episode - Squatting Below Parallel, Knee Pain While Squatting, and Big Toe Pain While Lunging!
What's up, Achievers?! We may or may not have had our baby by the time you listen to this - we recorded this right...

#AskAchieve 83: Should You Perform Partial or Full Range of Motion Squats, Should You Take Whey Protein, and How We Find Our Coaches for Our Gym!
What's up, Achievers?! Baby is STILL not here so we're back! In the first question, we do a deep dive on the efficacies of...