Latest Episodes

#AskAchieve 119: Knee Position During Squats, the Effectiveness of the Landmine Set-Up, and the Mind-Muscle Connection During the Bench Press and Overhead Press!
What's up, Achievers?! First off, thanks to all of you who reviewed the podcast last week - we really appreciate it! Please keep em'...

#AskAchieve 118: When to Incorporate HIIT Training, If You Should Write Your Own Workouts, and the Best Way to Deal with Exercise Pains!
What's up, Achievers?! Hope you all are having a wonderful day! In the first question, we go over whether or not it's a good...

#AskAchieve 117: How Many Sets/Reps We Recommend, Are Calories from Junk Food and "Healthy" Food the Same, and What You Should Eat Before a Workout!
What's up, Achievers?! Super quick episode for you all today! In the first question, we go over what sets/reps we generally recommend (2:08). Next,...

#AskAchieve 116: How to Determine if an Exercise/Modality is Good For You, Pain During Single Leg Glute Bridges, and If Trap Bar Deadlifts Will Improve Your Conventional Deadlift!
What's up, Achievers?! Great little discussion to kick off today's episode on how to determine where or not an exercise/modality (spin, Zumba, strength training,...

AchieveMentors #5: How We Hire and Onboard Our Coaching Staff!
What’s up, Achievers?! We're back with another AchieveMentors podcast - just a reminder that this is our show for fitness coaches and aspiring personal...

#AskAchieve 115: Proper Form for Back Extensions, Improving Your Push Up Strength, Preventing Shins Splints While Running, and the Difference Between Hook Grip and Mixed Grip for Deadlifts!
What's up, Achievers?! Quick but action-packed episode for you all today! In the first question, we talk about how to optimize your form during...