Latest Episodes

#AskAchieve 114: Squatting with a Natural Back Arch, Getting Back to Olympic Lifting After Pregnancy, and Improving Your Cat/Cow!
What's up, Achievers?! Our introduction has some references to our last podcast episode where we talk about what to do when someone offers you...

#AskAchieve 113: How to Politely Shut Down Unsolicited Advice in the Gym, Back Pain During Rows, Plyometrics for Beginners, and How to Make Healthy Food Choices 100% of the Time!
What's up, Achievers?! Hope you're all staying safe and warm if you're in the Northeast with this snowstorm! In the first question, we talk...

#AskAchieve 112: To Arch or Not to Arch During the Bench Press, Addressing Adductor Pain, The Difference Between the Leg Press and Squats, and How High Your Hips Should be During Deadlifts!
What's up, Achievers?! This one is a rapid-fire answer show with a ton of practical advice. In the first question, we talk about whether...

#AskAchieve 111: How to Load the Barbell Without Looking Silly, Exercises With the BOSU Ball, Explosive Movements, and Kettlebell Finishers!
What's up, Achievers?! Super fun episode for you all today! In the first question, we discuss how to go about loading a barbell with...

#AskAchieve 110: Tight Hamstrings, Glute Activation, Wrist Strengthening, and Foot Supination During Squats/Deadlifts!
What's up, Achievers?! We go through a lot of information in a short amount of time for this one! In the first question, we...

AchieveMentors #4: How We Onboard Our Members!
What's up, Achievers?! AchieveMentors is our podcast for fitness coaches and aspiring personal trainers. In today's episode, we go over exactly how we onboard...