Latest Episodes

#AskAchieve 82: Push-Ups After Pregnancy, Strength Training Workouts for Fat Loss, If Distance Running Will Hurt Your Strength Gains, and How Long Should You Hold a Plank For!
What's up, Achievers?! Still no baby yet! Lauren is visualizing that it's going to happen this Friday - so cross your fingers! In the...

#AskAchieve 81: Lower Back Pain, Squatting With Ankle Mobility Restrictions, and Dealing With Weight Fluctuations!
What's up, Achievers?! We're about 10 days our from Lauren's estimated due date so we're in full-on BABYWATCH! We're more than likely going to...

#AskAchieve 80: The Coaches' Episode and a Special Announcement for Coaches!
What's up, Achievers?! This episode is specifically for all you coaches, personal trainers, and fitness professionals out there! We cover topics like when we...

#AskAchieve 79: How to Continue to Overhead Press When You Workout At Home With A Low Ceiling, Pregnancy Workout Modifications, And How to Adjust Sets, Reps, and Exercise Selection According To Your Goal!
What's up, Achievers?! Special two year wedding anniversary episode from yours truly! We just spent a wonderful weekend in Cape Cod (and crossing our...

#AskAchieve 78: The Differences Between Olympic Lifting, Powerlifting, Bodybuilding, and Crossfit, Methods for Healthy Eating, and How to Maintain Positivity During Setbacks!
What's up, Achievers?! Really, really good episode here in our humble opinions! Lots of tangible advice that you can follow - we hope you...

#AskAchieve 77: Imbalances While Squatting, If Foam Rolling is Enough When You Have Knee Pain, and Shoulder Pain After Playing Tennis!
What's up, Achievers?! In this episode we really delve into injuries and pain. Oftentimes, when we have an injury or setback it can feel...