Latest Episodes

Ep.10: Our Assessment Protocol, Best 3-Day Split, and How to Find a Mentor!
In this episode, we cover our assessment protocol for new members and how we’ve modified our process over the years. We also discuss how...

Ep.9: Best Rep Range for Hypertrophy, Best Exercises for Abs and a Flat Belly, and Our Top Certification Recommendations for Personal Trainers
In this episode, we cover the exact rep range for hypertrophy (hint: there isn't just one!). We also cover the best exercises to develop...

Ep.8: Training Around Sciatica, Tips for Building an Instagram Following, and How to Address Flat Feet
In this episode, we discuss how we'd approach training with low back pain and sciatica. We also cover our recommendations on how to build...

Ep.7: The StrongFirst Certification, How to Achieve Your First Pull-Up, and Dealing with Running Related Injuries
What's Up, Achievers?! In this episode, we discuss all things StrongFirst related! From the training leading up to it, to the certification itself and...

Ep.6: How to Workout After Sickness, If Kettlebell Swings are Dangerous for Your Back, and Our Dreams for Achieve for the Next Five Years!
In this episode, Jason and Lauren discuss exactly how they would recommend going about training after an illness - the answer really depends on...

Ep.5: How Weight Loss Impacts Your Metabolism, How to Train Your Calves, and Grand Opening Strategies for Gym Owners
In this episode, Jason and Lauren discuss how weight loss impacts your metabolism as well as thoughts on how to manage this situation. They...